Hi, I'm Paviel

A Computer Scientist full of hobbies and skills !

Hello !

I'm Paviel, a Computer Scientist graduated from EPITA with an Engineer degree since 2022 and specialized in Healthcare. 
I'm based in Paris, the most beautiful city in the world. I speak French, English and Russian. 

Skills and hobbies

I can't stay on my chair all the day, so I have a lot of hobbies to stay alive !
Here is a small selection on them. 

I also have a lot of soft skills, like cooking, do DIY... 

Computer Sciences

My main hobby is my job : exploit silicium to solve problems. If you don't know : I am an engineer, trust me. 


Sharing my skills and help people to progress is wonderfull. That's why I did free courses with EpiMac or was a teaching assistant at ETNA. 


Formed to understand healthcare problems. I am also a First Aid Responder on my free time at Protection Civile Paris Seine.

Photography and Video production

Sharing people smiles, backstages and helping to realize some dreams by producing and immortalizing them !

Event production and Stage

Since my childhood I have been passionate about the stage, the backstage and dreaming through art and events. You can also find me at Paris Opera watching Ballet or playing violin at home. 


For two years, sport has been a part of my life through running, going to the gym, ice skating, swimming and dancing. Can I add Billard as a sport ?


In non-profit organizations

As part of French Culture and to perform my skills and hobbies I am involved and member of different non profit organizations

Other involvements

And more skills !

Language skills

I speak fluently French,  English (TOEIC® 910/990) and Russian

Driving license

European driving license (permis B).

I also can swim, ride a bike and take the subway.

Where am I ?

You can find me in Paris, France

logo IJFR - Institut Jean-François Rey
Ingénieur / Chef de projet données de santé
CDI Python SQL NLP Managment Prise de parole en publique Rédaction et études POC Machine Learning

  • Cartographie et étude des parcours patients
  • Étude du cheminement de l'information en centre de santé (entre professionnels de santé, avec les patients et les outils numériques)
  • Veille sur le numérique en santé
  • Travail avec médecin référent
  • Étude préliminaire sur des données de centres de santé anonymisées
  • Étude sur l'industrialisation de process de cheminement de la donnée de santé
  • Automatisation de process

IJFR - Institut Jean-François Rey, Paris, France.
Novembre 2022 - Now

logo Göttingen University
Bayesian approach on data from a clinical study: VV-ECMO on subjects with ARDS
Research assistant Python Shell Research SLAM 3D IoT POC

  • Participation in a Medical Research and Development project
  • Development and validation of a Bayesian approach for decision support by ensuring the pre-processing of clinical data ; optimization of scripts for research needs and adaptation to the infrastructure
  • Exchanges with multi-disciplinary teams (computer science, clinical study, medical team) and inter-university

The University of Göttingen, SinzLab, Goettingue, Basse-Saxe
march 2022 - sept 2022. Supervised by Fabian Sinz at Sinzlab — Neuro Intelligence group in cooperation with Pr. Luciano Gattinoni at UMG - Universitätsmedizin Göttingen

logo Telecom Sud-Paris
Implementation and evaluation of SLAM methods
Research assistant Python Shell Research SLAM 3D IoT POC

  • Production of a state of the art on SLAM methods and an internal report
  • Production of a Proof of Concept (POC)
  • Evaluation of different software and hardware solutions
  • Exchange with researches and industrial partners

Télécom Sud-Paris, Évry-Courcouronnes, France.
October 2020 - January 2021. Supervised by Pr. Marius Preda

logo ministère de l'intérieur
Interconnection of medical IoT in an ambulance and RRF network

  • Take part in an innovative national interministerial project: Radio Network of the Future (RRF)
  • Allow the centralization of data from IoT objects in an ambulance, and exchanchange it through the RFF network
  • Exchange with all the teams (ministry, SAMU, SMUR) and industrial partners
  • Presentation of the POC on the stand of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health at "SantéExpo" Paris 2021

French ministries "Ministère de l'intérieur" and "Ministre des Solidarités et de la Santé", Paris, France.
September 2021 - January 2022 - Supervised by Dr. Christophe Richard

logo etna
Teaching assistant (ASSET)
JOB Shell C HTML CSS Teaching

  • Prepare course material and give lessons on the review of IT concepts
  • Support students in their IT projects and assess their progress

ETNA (IONIS Education Group), Ivry-sur-Seine, France.
September 2021 - November 2021 - Supervised by Mr. Anthony Tram

logo EPITA
EPITA - l'école des ingénieurs en intelligence informatique
Master 2 degree Master 1 degree License 3 degree CTI
Computer sciences Machine learning

Engineering degree in computer science specialized in Health

14-16 Rue Voltaire, 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre
2019 - 2022

logo CPGE PSI Lycée Paul-Valéry
License 2 degree CPGE

Preparatory classes for a higher education schools
PSI - Physics and engineering sciences

Cité scolaire Paul Valéry
38 Bd Soult, 75012 Paris
2018 - 2019

logo CPGE PCSI Lycée Turgot
License 1 degree CPGE

Preparatory classes for a higher education schools
PCSI - Physics, Chemistry and engineering sciences

Lycée Turgot
69 R. de Turbigo, 75003 Paris
2017 - 2018

logo Lycée Hélène Boucher
High school
Baccalauréat général Spécialité physique

General baccalaureate specialized in Sciences (physics) obtained with honors.

Cité scolaire HELENE BOUCHER
75 cours de Vincennes, 75020 Paris
2017 - 2019

Implementation of algorithms in Python on X-ray medical imaging
EPITA Thalès Python Image processing Algo

NL Mean and bilateral-filter

Evaluate Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
EPITA Swift Python IoT iOS watchOS Arduino

Creation of an application on AppleWatch to evaluate CPR performance, adaptation of a CPR dummy to make it connected and result data exploitation from Foch hospital for ground truth data.

Blood white cells segmentation
EPITA Python Research AI Segmentation

Segmentation of white cells and classification

Alignment of DNA Sequences
EPITA Python Research Bioinformatics DNA

Using Burrows-Wheeler Transformation

See the GitHub project repo

Interoperability of Paris public hospital (APHP) health databases
EPITA APHP Python Pandas PostgreSQL Interoperability Data

evaluate database state and write ETL SQL queries (OMOP CDM v6.0)

MICCAI / BRaTS training project
EPITA Python Keras Tensorflow AI Segemntation MRI

brain-tumour segmentation on MRI using U-Net

Digital management of volunteers - VivaTechnology
Les Étudiants de la Tech Python JS BOT User Interaction API

Creation of Discord bots and authentication system to facilitate management of volunteers.

TchatBot with Doctolib
EPITA JS BOT User Interaction API

Chatbot for diabetics: patient monitoring and advising.

DTMF analyse of in-band register signaling
EPITA Python Research

Analyse of a "Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency” used for phone calls.

Realization and animation of SwiftUI workshops
EpiMac Swift Teaching

Realization and animation of two workshops in SwiftUI for French high school students.

See the GitHub project repo

UIKit initiation
EPITA 3IE Swift UIKit Initiation

Accomplished a lot of small projects as initiation for UIKit.

Studying of micro-fluctuation of microgravity on board the ISS
CPGE Python RaspberryPi Research

Use of "AstroPi" data for a TIPE (Evaluation test of supervised personal initiative work)

Data hackathon
EPITA Echopen APHP Python Research Data

Echopen and Public hospitals of Paris.
Data hackathon where we have to use machine Learning approach on data from a study to construct a global predictor of the patient's clinical outcome.

Non Profit Organizations

logo Protection Civile Paris Seine
Protection Civile Paris Seine
Non profit organization

  • Skilled volunteerism (dev, infographic, photo and video production)
  • Committed volunteer
  • Local director of solidarity and social actions
  • First Aid responder
Link to website

August 2019 - now

logo EpiMac
Non profit organization

  • Permanent & Member of the Board since September 2022
  • Secretary untill September 2022
  • Teacher for Swift and SwiftUI workshops
  • Helper for AppStore submission

January 2020 - now

Link to website

logo Les Étudiants de la Tech
TechUp Network - previously Les Étudiants De La Tech
Non profit organization

  • President
  • Event photographer
  • previously CTO
Helping before events with dev skills (bots, discord Server, authentification, creation of apps...) and taking photos of volunteers on events.

October 2019 - now

Link to website


logo Apple
Apple - WWDC
Event Invited

Invited at Apple WWDC 2024. Discovered Apple Park, exchanged a lot with Apple Engineers about SwiftUI and Research in ML.

June 2024

Apple Park

logo VivaTechnology
Event Organization

Just a simple visitor in 2016, I came back in 2018 as volunteer, 2019 as team leader of volunteers and in 2021 as TechUp Network (old name : LesÉtudiantsDeLaTech) staff to manage volunteers. Since 2023 I am the president of TechUp Network. Seeing this event growthing years after years is really impressive.

2016, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024

TechUp Network

logo France Digitale
FranceDigitale events
Event Organization

Team leader of volunteers on events FDDay and FD3

2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

TechUp Network

logo Hack The Crisis France
Event Organization

At the first lock-down "Les Étudiants de la Tech" (now TechUp Network) and "Genius Global" decided to create a french edition of #HackTheCrisis. I was in charge of Live Strem control and of all Discord server.


TechUp Network and GeniusGlobal

Link to website

logo Futurs event
Event Organization

First event 100% done by "Les Étudiants de la Tech" (now TechUp Network), in person at StationF.


TechUp Network

Link to website

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